When Legal Challenges Span Global Borders
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the global legal landscape is growing more volatile and unpredictable. As a result, international law has become invaluable as a base of knowledge in many different professions. Stay at the forefront of global legal challenges with the International Law focus of study in the Master of Laws (LL.M) program at Nova Southeastern University’s Shepard Broad College of Law. Examine the landscape with some of the most knowledgeable faculty in the legal arena as you build a network of peers and advisers to whom you can turn over the course of your career as fresh challenges arise.
Quick Facts
What You'll Learn
Explore pivotal issues with courses focusing in international and comparative legal studies such as:
• Admiralty
• International Business Transactions
• International Intellectual Property
• International Law
• International Litigation
• International Protection of Human Rights
• International Sales & Arbitration
A Dynamic and Rigorous Curriculum

NSU International Arbitration Society
International litigation and arbitration are becoming increasingly prevalent as companies go global and legal problems cross borders. The NSU International Arbitration Society provides education, training, internships, and mentorship from attorneys experienced in international arbitration and litigation. Sit through international arbitration proceedings in the 11th judicial circuit court in Miami and work on international pro bono cases.
Build a Powerful Network
The NSU Law Mentoring Program offers students and alumni the chance to network with one another on a regular basis. This program gives you a pivotal opportunity to build a lifelong network as you learn from law alumni and local attorneys in the practice field that most interests you.